# Change Log

# 1.0.8 (2024-06-20)

# (Requires IpSCAPE CTI v8.19.0 or later)

# Added:

  • Nothing Added

# Changed:

  • Removed union type and changed signature for IVR data items
type IvrDataObject = {
    key: string;
    title: string;
    type: string;
    value: string | number;

# Removed:

  • Nothing removed

# 1.0.7 (2024-06-11)

# (Requires IpSCAPE CTI v8.19.0 or later)

# Added:

  • Nothing Added

# Changed:

  • Build output changed: build package includes es and umd output file as well as packaged types directory (see package.json file for details)

# Removed:

  • Nothing removed

# 1.0.7-beta.4 (2024-02-19)

Update was focussed on improving the reliability of controlling/syncing inCallComponents

# Added:

  • Components - Dynamic UI components - support for select/drop-downs
    • methods
      • addComponentOption - add an option into a select
      • selectComponentOption - make an option selected
      • deselectComponentOption - change selected option to false
      • enableComponent - enables the component for user interaction
      • disableComponent - disables the component
      • resetInCallComponentOptions - clears/empties all options from the select
    • events
      • onComponentChanged - fires when an agent interacts with the UI component

# Changed:

  • onCallHangup - response object parameter origin changed to hangupOrigin

# Removed:

  • Nothing removed

# 1.0.7-beta.3 (2024-02-15)

Update to package JSON file to fix typo in exports

# Added:

  • Nothing added

# Changed:

  • package.json - fixed typo in exports

# Removed:

  • Nothing removed

# 1.0.7-beta.2 (2024-02-14)

Update was focussed on improving the reliability of controlling/syncing inCallComponents

# Added:

  • enableComponent - sets the disabled flag to false on a component
  • disableComponent - sets the disabled flag to true on a component
  • addComponentOption - adds a row in a select component
  • selectComponentOption - set the selected flag to true on a row in a select component
  • deselectComponentOption - set the selected flag to false on a row in a select component
  • resetInCallComponentOptions - resets/empties the options in any set select component(s)

# Changed:

  • Typing changes for component options

# Removed:

  • updateInCallComponentOptions

# 1.0.7-beta.1 (2024-01-25)

# Added:

  • getInteractionById method
  • Additional events
    • onInteractionOpen - fires when an interaction is opened in the UI
    • onInteractionClosed - the interaction no longer has focus
    • onPreviewAllocated - the preview lead has been presented to the agent

# Changed:

  • Typing changes

# Removed:

  • onCallDialling event